This week's prompt My Shoes and what a 10 minute free flow exercise inspired:
I love my feet- they are one of my favorite body parts. I love summer and being able to wear flip flops and sandals for months at a time. Shoes has always been a sticky point for me- I have small, narrow feet and finding shoes to fit properly and be comfortable in has been hard. I remember being little and my Nana guilting me into these ugly brown things because the shop man said they were right for my foot shape- I only wore them while she was visiting, I think!
The one thing I've learned over and over is how important comfortable shoes really are. Sure, I love to look as stylish as the next girl, but after numerous blisters and painful days walking miles in bad shoes, I know now that for me- comfort is queen. Getting lost in Rome and getting caught in new sandals that left scars. Hiking through the Tongariro in fairly new boots and paying for it in my toe for months afterwards. Luckily, styles have caught up with me for now and Mary Janes, or other flat rounded fun shoes, plus flip flops, and sneakers you can wear to the office are the in thing! I can't wear high heels because I have weak ankles from too many sports injuries and fear falling over. (Something I have actually done, even without high heels on!) I am going to be barefoot or in flip flops when I get married. I'd live in flip flops if I didn't think my feet might freeze off in the winter. Shoes for me are always an after-thought, I've never had many pairs in my closet (or backpack) at a time, but I still love to watch people's feet go by and see what they have on. I'm amazed at some of the things they stuff their feet into! It's a new kind of foot binding, but equally oppressive, or maybe not. I'm also in awe of how women can balance themselves in high heels- how do you learn how? I stick to the comfy and casual look, so I don't know how it feels to walk down the street in stilettos. Give me Birks anyday!
I love how the list of participants for Sunday Scribblings just keeps getting longer and longer every week. Go check it out!
You feet are very pretty! (And I don't mean that in any strange foot-perv sort of way ;)lol )
I so agree!It has been funny how many of this weeks scribblers are also barefootie types. I was thinking it was a writer thing, maybe?
Your adventures sound so wonderful. *sigh*
Great post. I'd agree - nothing worse than getting caught in uncomfortable shoes when there's lots of walking to be done. Funny the life illustrations one can draw from that - substance, practicality, simplicity will get you further than flash and bling? Hmmm....
I'm with you - hip, hip hooray for flip-flop season! :-)
I LOVE that you are going to be barefoot or in flip flops when you get married!!
You're lucky that you like your feet, and they are cute!
I have always hated my feet, they are hobbit feet!
I love the flip flops at your wedding idea too, how great! When are you getting married, congrats!!!
A great picture of you comes through here -- the way you said "in my closet (or backpack)" shows you're a true traveler! And I've also had the horrid experience of wandering in a strange city in uncomfortable shoes, and it's amazing the way that can drain the joy and discovery out of travel.
Those feet were made for traveling, baby, so comfort is key! As for how I walk in high heels...I sort of bend my knees extra to keep from falling over. Hey, it works and makes me look like an adult! ;)
Fun scribble! And cute feet. :)
Great scribbling!
Also, wanted to let you know I added a button tutorial to my entry today.
I think it's terribly unfair to us flip-flop/ Birk loving Canadians that it gets so blooming COLD 7 months of the year! I think that our weather has helped us to not have to have as fashionable a feet as other countries - we just CAN'T wear those dumb heeled shoes when it's 40 below!! I am exactly the same as you when it comes to footwear - comfy casual or not at all!! xo
hooray hooray for birks. we are literally sole sisters. thinking alike... i cant tell you how many times i have sprained my ankle (both of them) and i am not even an athlete... go figur...
btw. i got married barefeet... feet planted directly into the sand.
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