Friday, May 19, 2006

Grateful Friday!

The grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do, something to love,
and something to hope for.
- Allan K. Chalmers -
I'm so happy it's friday and it's a long weekend!! So need some quality time in my bed. My R has been working very long days and overtime, so hopefully we can relax and enjoy the time off together. Hoping to go hiking, but we'll have to wait and see what Mother Nature brings us- why is it that we can have weeks of lovely summer sunny weather, but as soon as it's a long weekend and we have time to enjoy it, the clouds roll in?!
This week I'm grateful for:
  • the beautiful weather we've been having
  • bbq on the beach again!
  • a late birthday present in the mail yesterday
  • fresh banana blueberry muffins
  • my first attempt at prawns with pasta turning out well!
  • talking to Kathleen a lot online this week
  • season finales on tv
  • finding this great sight- I'm addicted to quotes!
  • reading another great book- to think she started it as a blog, wow!
  • getting some time this weekend to talk on the phone to people far away
  • The DaVinci Code coming out, despite the mixed reviews
  • how sweet R has been even though he's been working so hard
  • walking to work four times this week
  • the park near work where we go for lunch
  • our busy social agenda last weekend
  • some time on my own tomorrow morning while R is at work
  • being able to sign up for a yoga class in June!
  • going shopping for fun summer clothes this weekend!
  • how much daylight we get (5:30am till after 9pm!)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!


meghan said...

another wonderful list - I'm so glad you are making these, you even inspired me to make a grateful post this week!

Letha Sandison said...

Great list as always! I saw the Da Vinci Code on Friday. It was a good romp...worth watching despite Tom hanks. I thought he was poorly cast, by that's just me.

have a wonderful weekend!!


Maggie May said...

What a wonderful list of happiness. I hope your long weekend is/was amazing! xoxo