Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Taste of Summer

a taste of summer, from Elan Photography on Flickr

Back to work (unfortunately), after a gorgeous weekend of sun, fun, bbqs, friends, and lots of cuddles. It was so sunny and so hot, absolutely wonderful summer weather. We had planned to leave the city and go exploring, but after a week or working nights, R needed to catch some extra zzzzs, so we just went with the flow instead. We ended up visiting with our friends, having three bbqs, lying in the sun, eating lots of fruit, just being together. It started off not so well with England being robbed, or maybe just losing their game, and ending their quest for the World Cup. I was pretty sad, so was R. So not fair!! I also woke up with a lovely cold sore on Saturday morning, something that always puts me in a insecure and tearful mood- I know it's not true, but it always feels like it's the only thing people can see. And it hurts, physically. The worst part is I can't have any kisses with R, how much does that suck?!!
It was a good weekend in the sense that it really felt like I had been away from work, almost to the point that I had forgotten all about it. Of course, that also meant I came crashing back down to reality this morning when I got here. It was so hot last night, I was having feverish dreams, to the point that I even shouted out in my sleep- something I usually only do when I'm stressed- wonder what I'm stressed about? We had no hot water this morning, so that didn't make getting up any more fun. I'm just wishing I was back on the grass, lying on the blanket, reading, soaking up the sun, listening to the children playing around me, R tickling me trying to distract me. Why can't all of life feel that good?
Our close friends in England (R's best friend) got engaged after the game on Saturday- he wanted to bring them some joy, so he finally popped the question. He'd had the ring in his drawer for a few months now, waiting for the perfect moment. Isn't it interesting how any moment can be perfect, if you are fully present? I'm so happy for them and hopefully this means a trip to England for us sometime next year!!
My creative wells feel a bit dry lately, what are things that get your creative juices flowing? Any good websites, or books I should check out? I used to have pages and pages of ideas, but seem to have become a bit disconnected. 2006 is my year of Creativity, time to get back on the horse!


liz elayne lamoreux said...

i have to admit something. lately, i have realized that the creative inspiration might just be inside me already..but i have to start doing instead of just talking about doing. i had this moment a few weeks ago where i was writing something and all of these ideas kept coming and it became this piece that i just love. all of it came together in just a couple of hours. the ideas came by writing. and writing. and writing.

this isn't to say i don't love jumping from blog to blog to find inspiration, or spend time with a favorite author (sark) to remind me of who i am, or read poetry (william stafford) to come back to myself, or surf a favorite website (www.storypeople.com), or talk on the phone with a close friend. but i do think it is all already inside. we just have to admit this and move.

Maggie May said...

I'm finally getting some blog-reading time (although my internet connection is insanely slow), and I am so happy to be reading about your current state! I get cold sores too, and I know EXACTLY how you feel. As for England losing...well, I was upset to say the least. And how lucky that you get to go back to England--take me with you!! I love your peachy photo, too. xoxoxo

Madeleine said...

M, I know just how you feel. I've a painting hanging in my art room/ junk room/ laundry room, which is still in an unfinished state. I keep promising myself to finish it be won't allow myself the time. I desperately want to start painting on a more regular basis, but with life as it is and how it has been, can't find the motivation. I'm not someone who can feel inspired when feeling a bit low, or work through my feelings. I generally have to be up to be inspired. I think that we all find it hard sometimes, and life can somehow get in the way.
I do think, though, that it sounds like you have all the ideas inside you already and maybe just starting it will get the juices flowing.
Take a bit bite of that juicy peach and see what happens.
You've got it, girly, just go for it.
big hug x

Madeleine said...

p.s. i was looking through your pictures on flickr, and they are wonderful I love some of the places you've visited.
My only complaint is that there aren't any pics of YOU. I want to see the gorgeous M :)

Madeleine said...

YIPPEEE... I get to see pics of M. I'm so pleased. The photos of the two of you are gorgeous. What lovely gorgeousnesses you both are....x

p.s. did you notice I rushed straight over to check them out?

Anonymous said...

Wow..Liz Elayne's comment hit deep. I think we should listen to her, M. I've been feeling a bit dry these past couple of days too. I think I am still on holiday time. :)

Hope you are have a wonderful day tomorrow! :)

Susannah Conway said...

wow, Liz is like the guru today - i needed to hear her words to you, as i'm feeling the same sweet pea. uninspired and unsure of myself. i guess it's all about *doing* rather than thinking perhaps - get the pen, paintbrush, camera in our hands and see what happens. be brave and close our eyes and let our imaginations take over - i think they are gunning for us to give it a go.

no kisses with R must be hard :-(. coldsores are the worst aren't they - but this too will heal and then you can make up for lost time! (and when you come over to the UK i hope you'll be visiting me, Mad and Rachel too!)

love to you xx