Friday, July 14, 2006

GRatEfuL FriDaY

This is one of Louise L. Hay's Wisdom Cards. I not only love the message, but am feeling the colours today as well! It's been a grey few days, our first in ages, and I've been feeling it big time, sleepy and groggy and unmotivated. This has brightened up my day! And helped me remember to love myself, something I've been working on lately. I can't believe it's Grateful Friday again already - how does it come around so fast!?! I'm so ready for a weekend, I need to catch up on some sleep- I keep waking up when R gets home at 4 or 5am, then can't sleep, so getting up to come to work is pretty difficult. Literally draggin' my ass out of bed!!

I started perusing the job sites for new opportunities a couple weeks ago. I always felt a bit nauseous reading the postings, I'm not sure why - probably just scared to make a change- but something shifted this week. I discovered I am ready and open to finding a new challenge, it's time to make a change. And as the Universe is such an amazing place, yesterday was the first day I found job ads that got me excited - one is even at an art school for young people! I don't want to say too much, in case I jinx myself, but I'm pretty excited! Now I'm dealing with all those negative voices that come up when I start applying for jobs - it's so hard to put myself out there for some reason. I am allowed to be happy in my work life as well, I have to remember. It's not going to cancel something else out. I'm going to get my CV together, get my mom the Career Counselor to help with my cover letters and just send them out there and see what happens. That's all I can do for now! What's meant to be will be, I'm going to end up where I'm supposed to no matter what it feels like doing it. I'm just happy to be starting the process.

This week I'm Grateful for:

  • Debbie the accountant coming in today, made me happy and helped my day along
  • sunshine coming back on the weekend (cross fingers!)
  • today being pay day!!
  • going to yoga twice this week already - did I say how much I'm lovin it?
  • my dad seeing the doctor and finding out all is good, except for some minor blood pressure stuff that can be managed with meds and a new diet- much to his annoyance! (no sugar!!)
  • finding myself a doctor that I already love- she's fantastic! thanks Becky for sharing her!
  • salsa - regular and mango!
  • getting Scrabble to put on our new computer
  • R having his Tiger Woods to keep him busy
  • getting a free month of internet
  • my white trousers brightening up my day
  • getting some good books from the library
  • surviving another week with R working nights
  • finding new ways to take advantage of the time we do have together
  • going out for dinner together tonight
  • my alarm clock- I'd still be in bed otherwise
  • new potatoes - makes my mouth water just thinking about them, drizzled in butter, with garlic, bit of chilli powder....yummy!
  • good vibes through my blog world this week!


Madeleine said...

yes the is a big 'love yourself' in the air at the moment for lots of us!!!!
believe that you are so capable of getting the job you really want...and if there are any you don't get it's only cos there's something more special out there. something more pertect for YOU....believe....:)
who wouldn't want gorgeous M?
i'd give you a job in a heartbeat...

Susannah Conway said...

*go for it* love, i agree with Mad - who wouldn't want to give lovely you a job? and here's the hard bit - *you* gotta believe it too - and it sounds like you might be starting to believe (v proud of you).... oh, and i'm going to my first yoga class this week, so i will report back... (by the time you come over i'll be a yoga-master (not) :-)

Rachel said...

Sorry u've been gloomy honey. Will send u good bloggy vibes. Sometimes things work out like that. Here's to better times

Madeleine said...

M- i just checked you blog(as i always do) to see if you'd posted. anyway, re-read this post and only just noticed the links at the bottom!! so sweet. sorry i didn't notice before or i would have said thankyou!

you're too cute......:)

meghan said...

DO it! DO it! DO IT!!!! Life is TOO SHORT to do a job that you don't like!! DO IT!! (go over to Jamie's blog for inspiration - she just quit! Just put yourself out there and the net will appear!

P.S. thanks for the link ;)

Rachel said...

I didn't notice them either, or Mad's comments, i am chuffed as nuts with your links.

I think that when we take chances, a whole new world opens up, it's having the confidence to have a go. Close your eyes, take a deep breathe, and do what feels right to you.

Am looking forward to Friday, and another of your fab lists. Chin up

Letha Sandison said...

I hope you follow your heart to a job you love!! I quit one that was giving me ulcers, really, to do art full time. It has been a wonderful choice!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that you did get to rest and take time to love yourself!!