Friday, July 21, 2006

Grateful friday!

Sunflowers by true nature

Having one of those days where I want to hit someone! It will probably pass, once I leave work I'm sure, but it's got me thinking of a few things I could use today:

- sweat absorbers to put under my arms- man it's hot out!
- a punching bag to get rid of my work frustrations (before I actually hit someone for real)
- enough alcohol to get me through the staff bbq at my boss' house tomorrow with a smile!
- a way to erase these extra 15 pounds I don't want (not a way to lose them because then I'll just find them again, I'm sure!!)
- a special way to speed up the clock to 5pm, then slow it down until I go to bed

And of course, my grateful friday list! This week I am grateful for:

  • R finding out he doesn't have to work again till Monday night! a proper weekend
  • summer weather, even if it is sweltering
  • going to the beach after work
  • Blizzards from Dairy Queen
  • American Apparel
  • my parents having a wonderful time on their holiday in Prince Edward Island; we used to go there every summer when I was little, I miss it!
  • Debbie the accountant being here today
  • fruit salads galore
  • reading this book - very bizarre, but I can't put it down! love her writing
  • buying this one for $10! and hardcover too!
  • getting this book from the library finally after hearing so much about it from all my bloggers
  • having a sweater to keep me warm at work - the temperature difference from outside to in here is ridiculous!
  • my little sis feeling better about her job and getting her broken hand looked at again (she's in the boonies of northern BC, this was not an easy task!)
  • cold glasses of water, beer, and wine - my way to fight the heat
  • my yoga class this week kicking my ass, in a good way
  • meeting our Argentinean friends (she works with me) tomorrow for drinks before our staff bbq- we'll need them!
  • air conditioning (even if I am cold!)

Have a great weekend everyone! Good luck with the heat, drink lots- your beverage of choice of course!


liz elayne lamoreux said...

it is so hot here too...i laughed out loud at your sweat absorbers comment. yes!

i am just catching up on blog reading after spending all week working long, long hours.
i hope that you find a new job that fills you up.

and i need to check out eat, pray, love also. i keep seeing it everywhere....

hope your weekend brings cool weather (but i think it is just going to be so very hot. ugh.)...or at least cool thoughts.

Rachel said...

Maybe it's the moon or something, Ive had one of your days for the whole week, and felt really pissed off about it, but no solution to fix it, i just felt GRUMPY.

So will follow your advice, and drink lots of the beverage of my choice, so that would be vodka, and FYI I am only doing it because you said so, just so it's clear, for no other reason than,

Letha Sandison said...

This was great...I lol when I read, "a way to erase these extra 15 pounds I don't want (not a way to lose them because then I'll just find them again, I'm sure!!)". I am right there with you my friend!!! This heat makes them all tthe more difficult to bear! I guess I'd better erase them before Africa!

I love the suunfllower happy!!


Susannah Conway said...

Fabulous choice of books there honey - i want to read the new Monica Ali book too, so will check it out on your recommendation.... it's much cooler here today, so my current drink is earl grey redbush tea - i'm already missing the sun! x

Madeleine said...

seems that we'ver all had a bit of week of it...there seems to be something in the air sweetness.
Hope it's passed now and you're feeling more up beat. you must be it's the weekend!!!yippeee

i love the fact that you still always find something to be grateful for, you're such a bunny.

well today i'm grateful for finding your lovely blog...:)

meghan said...

ha ha ha ha ha - it says a lot about you that you are able to post a photo of sunflowers and a gratitude list on the same post where you want to hit someone - Hilarious!! I hope that you enjoy Eat - Pray - Love. It's pretty intense!! My bevvie of choice today would be water - I am so boring - but it is part of my eternal quest to wash away those pounds internally... I think erasing them is a better idea!! xoxox