Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Statue in Singapore

I'm stealing an idea from Mad's blog- I feel like making lists today!
10 Things I Couldn't Live Without: (in no particular order)
1. cheese - any kind but the blue varieties
2. iPod - music is so important, I need a soundtrack
3. books/ library - words and other perspectives and windows into other worlds are such a gift
4. flipflops - especially this time of year
5. journal - my regular venting, emoting, creating, understanding venue
6. fresh fruit and veggies
7. chocolate - sometimes we all need a bit of a pick me up!
8. cafes - my home away from home
9. the telephone - hearing someone's voice from far away is so important to me
10. my bus pass - gotta get around somehow!
7 (ok 9!) People I couldn't live without:
1. Richard- no words can explain (aka R)
2. my parents - their love and support have been so vital, I am who I am because of them
3. my three siblings - my world would be such a lonely place without them
4. my sister in law, brother in law, and nephew and nieces - our family only gets better as it gets bigger!
5. my inlaws and new family in England - a foreign family, what a treat!!
6. my amazing friend Roz - we've known each other since we were barely walking, she understands me better than even I do sometimes!
7. my family in America - love having such a big family, 4 aunts and all my cousins and uncles, bringing such characters and colour to our family
8. my traveling friends all over the world - my life is better because of you
9. my blogger friends!! what did I do without all of you?!!
7 Places I Couldn't bear to disappear:
1. the mountains and beaches around Vancouver
2. Nova Scotia - go see why I love it!
3. the Boathouse - our new favorite restaurant
4. The Blue Moon Cafe, Melbourne - where we used to treat ourselves to brunch when we were broke
5. England in general - nowhere has ever felt so much like home to me
6. Tescos! ( I know, pretty sad, it's a grocery store, but I love it! It's the first place we go when we go back to England!)
7. my yoga studio - my new haven
7 (ok 8!) Experiences not to miss:
1. cuddling with my R - ok, just for me, not for all of you!
2. walking on a beach, waves on your feet, sun on your face, wind in your hair
3. flying on a plane - what a rush! And you get to be somewhere new when you get off!
4. warm fresh bread with mom's homemade strawberry jam - my mouth is watering just thinking about it!
5. getting into bed after a long day - in case you hadn't noticed, I love my bed and my sleep!
6. helping someone - I love that feeling when you can give someone a hand
7. being with my friends, giggling, drinking wine, making dinner together, catching up
8. getting mail!
I could go on and on, but will try and keep it to a minimum to keep your attention. Go check out this photographer's website that Andrea recommended- it's brilliant!!! He made me want to be a photographer and learn how to take better pictures. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to learn how to be a better digital photographer?? I don't have a big camera, but am falling in love with seeing the world through the lens of my camera and could spend hours on Flickr and other sites where people are capturing life in so many different ways.
I haven't been doing my Sunday Scribblings either, so will try and catch up soon!


Letha Sandison said...

I loved this list!! It is a great little window into your heart.

I have many in common with you, cheese, England, Tesco too, travel ect...ahhh so many good things!!


liz elayne lamoreux said...

i love getting to know you more with these delightful lists. so glad you are finding a haven at your yoga studio!

and cheese. yes. can't live without that.

Madeleine said...

Hey, sweetie. Sorry I missed you yesterday, but blogger was down when I tried.

Good list. Yours slightly better put together than mine I feel.
It's great to live in such beautiful places, isn't it? The beach and the mountains-wow.I personally couldn't live without the beach.

And hugs and kisses from R-of course.
So when you do come to England I hope I'm expecting a visit!!
Love reading about you!

Rachel said...

Tesco's, cheese, wine,
it's all fantastic.

I'm with mads on you visiting us if you come back.

Susannah Conway said...

i'm still giggling about the Tescos thing :-)) cheese, kisses and bed - sounds perfect to me! i'm going to echo the girls and say as soon as you come back here, we'll be having coffee by the sea :-)

M said...

I'm so excited to be invited to coffee by the sea with my three favorite English women!! Cannot wait!!! 2007 sometime, maybe...