Thursday, July 06, 2006

Creativity (+ Poetry Thursday)

art is a voice. it is a method of communication. a way to translate an experience. tell a story. live a life. for you, art is definitely a voice: loud and clear. sometimes more loud than clear. an expression. a manifestation of emotion. of things unsaid. a way of being. as it is for me. as you grow you will learn that everyone has their own way of communicating with their fellow beings. some quiet. some loud. all worth listening to...if for nothing other than the chance to learn. art is a teacher. and a messenger. and a voice. create your own voice. your own method. develop your own strength. be passionate. art will always be on your side. will always challenge you to communicate. to tell your story in your own truth. in your own voice.
- Ali Edwards -
2006 is my year of Creativity, a chance to connect with a side of myself long gone dormant. January and February were full of ideas and aha moments and energy from pages filled with possibilities. I got lost after that somewhere, I'm not really sure how. Yesterday in my post, I asked what you do to find inspiration. Liz Elayne left me a brilliant comment, which seems to have resonated with many others. "lately, i have realized that the creative inspiration might just be inside me already-but i have to start doing instead of just talking about doing" and "but i do think it is all already inside. we just have to admit this and move." She is so smart! And so right. Doing is the only way to get my juices flowing. I do know this from past experience, I just seem to have forgotten. I've been wrapped up in other mental exercises, ones I don't need to spend so much time on (like anxiety about work and life, thinking too much about my job, etc), and it's time to start filling my brain, and my time, with more creative endeavours. I have pages of writing exercises I can be doing, even here at work, plus millions of websites to explore, and art to be learning- like making jewelry (which I just started on the weekend) and digital scrapbooking (inspired by Rhonna). I've always shied away from artistic creations after deciding when I was younger that I couldn't draw or paint and shouldn't even bother trying- I simply couldn't get it to look like it does in my head. Amazing how those messages can stay with you for such a long time. I never saw myself as the artistic type, but after getting even the tiniest of tastes, I feel like it's a huge part of me that's been hiding and needs some coaxing to come out. My inner critic constantly berates me, saying there's no point in writing anything, or buying supplies to do some scrapbooking, etc., because it won't get me anywhere, it won't pay the bills, people will only laugh, on and on and on. I've decided it's time to stop listening to that Voice.
Creativity now means for me using words to express myself, to share my feelings and experiences with others. It means stepping outside my comfort zone and seeing what my Creative Self wants to do, what she can come up with. It means taking time each week, each day even, to spend some time with this new side of Me. I've even found my desires in the work world have changed since I started getting more creative- I'd love to work in an art school, or spend my days creating with young kids, just getting messy! I even looked at art courses I might want to take. Ali Edwards was one of the first blogs I read and she still inspires me to find ways to tell my story, to create a life I love. I had so much fun writing a story for my nephew and nieces for Christmas, I think it's time to start another one- I'm definitely not lacking in ideas!
All of you have been an inspiration to me as well. Being so brave an sharing your art with your bloggers, going to the page, the canvas, the bead box, the camera, everyday. Like Susannah said in response to Liz "i guess it's all about *doing* rather than thinking perhaps - get the pen, paintbrush, camera in our hands and see what happens. be brave and close our eyes and let our imaginations take over - i think they are gunning for us to give it a go." It's time for me to get my groove on. I am a creative woman, time to spend some quality time with my brilliant imagination!! Anyone want to join me?! Or maybe we can just got sit and have a glass of wine together instead...
Here's my poem for this week. I like the suggested prompt on Poetry Thursdays, I will definitely come back to it one day. Go there to check out more poetry for this week.
Words by Anne Sexton

Be careful of words,
even the miraculous ones.
For the miraculous we do our best,
sometimes they swarm like insects
and leave not a sting but a kiss.
They can be as good as fingers.
They can be as trusty as the rock
you stick your bottom on.
But they can be both daisies and bruises.

Yet I am in love with words.
They are doves falling out of the ceiling.
They are six holy oranges sitting in my lap.
They are the trees, the legs of summer,and the sun, its passionate face.
Yet often they fail me.
I have so much I want to say,
so many stories, images, proverbs, etc.
But the words aren't good enough,
the wrong ones kiss me.
Sometimes I fly like an eagle
but with the wings of a wren.

But I try to take care
and be gentle to them.
Words and eggs must be handled with care.
Once broken they are impossible
things to repair.


Madeleine said...

Oh, that really is a great poem. How true those words really are.
I wish that I was better with words, but alas, I'm only good with my hands.
M, I think you you should put some of your words up here soon. Start the ball rolling.
Oh, and working in an art college sounds like a fab idea.
I've been thinking about that recently.
I can feel the bubbles rising inside you. It's all about to explode, soon.
My lovely effervescent friend.


liz elayne lamoreux said...

oh i love this poem by sexton. yes. she has it with this one. well, she always has it i think but this one resonates.

i have been bubbling over at times this year with creativity...then life sneaks in and i forget...then remember again. i wonder how it would be to really set aside time each day for something. a little writing, a little painting, a little something. would i really do it? hmmm...i wish. though maybe sitting down with a glass of wine and a dear friend would be good too.
we are all figuring it out together and it is delightful to be reminded that i am not alone on my own path. it is as though all of you hold lights to help me find my way. thank goodness for that.
blessings to you on your journey.

jojo said...

hi M
thanks for being so honest here. your honesty is most refreshing, i can learn alot from it. i agree with Liz. life always seems to "sneak" in. once we put ourselves on our creative path it is amazing how the rest just (of life) sort of takes a seat on its own. so congrats on this journey... and just on however it decides to show itself. you are always so colorful with your words... there is MORE where that came from... cheers!

kelly rae said...

all those aha creativity moments are asking for you to make them real. not just the idea. but to make it out of thought world and into the real world. once you take the leap, you will never look back. the momentum will carry you through, i promise. you are so creative!

kelly rae said...

all those aha creativity moments are asking for you to make them real. not just the idea. but to make it out of thought world and into the real world. once you take the leap, you will never look back. the momentum will carry you through, i promise. you are so creative!