Thursday, July 20, 2006

Poetry Thursday

Winter flower by 45street on Flickr

Wild Nights! Wild Nights!

Wild Nights! Wild Nights!
Were I with thee,
Wild Nights should be
Our luxury!
Futile the winds
To a heart in port, --
Done with the compass,
Done with the chart!
Rowing in Eden!
Ah! the sea!
Might I but moor
To-night in Thee!
~Emily Dickinson~
I'm loving the theme for this week's Poetry Thursday: sex- very risque! I didn't know we had it in us! I found this poem by Emily Dickinson and was also taken aback by her references through my 21st Century mind. I'm sure she might not have meant to be so graphic, but "moor tonight in thee" says it all quite clearly to me. I loved the poems Meg put on her site! And Susannah's gorgeous You can tell the heat has finally started to get to us! We are searching for some sort of release, I think. Sex is definitely one of my favorites! Maybe I'll have an early day and go home to my man....
On another note, I can feel a change coming. Do you feel this in your life too? Maybe it's because it's the height of a hot summer or because I am ready, but something is brewing in my life. I don't see myself in this job much longer, even if I'm unsure of where I will end up. Doing yoga is helping me to connect with my body and see what I really need right now. And we've actually been talking about babies, our future family, a lot lately. Something else we're both getting ready for in our own ways. I find myself thinking a lot about where I was this time last year, the beginning of a big family gathering for my little sis' wedding, spending tons of time with my nephew and nieces and siblings and parents and cousins and aunts and uncles and loving every single second of it. Makes me wonder where I'll be, where we'll all be, this time next year. Where I'd like to be...hmmm.
I'm rambling now, I think I'm stuck on the idea of going home early for some lovin'....
for more poetry, go here.
EDIT: Loving Madeleine's poem as well!! Go read it if you haven't already.


jojo said...

Emily is on my shelf. I love how her words are so minimal but so strong. The minute I started reading it I know it was her, before I know it was her...

I feel a shift too. I think it is your intuition. Also you are creating your own reality too. Yoga practice is very powerful - to feel our bodies propelling us forward even though the actual "thoughts" have not formed themselves in our head or the actions have not surfaces externally.

a great idea i read somewhere was to photograph yourself/yourselves every year on the same day... capturing and describing the changes in our lives. i think i will start to do this, and maybe even make a scrapbook dedicated to the one day the one photo with a log of that time in your life.

kudos to Emily, Change and Going home earlyl!

Jennifer S. said...

Love it! Very hot (I had no idea Emily had it in her - no pun intended ;) I was too wimpy to post a sex poem (but I did write a little haiku)

Madeleine said...

mmm...i love all this sexual energy flying around at the're right it's the heat!!!
quite frustrating being single, i can tell you!!!

Good one M.
i think a change is in the air too....yippee!!


Susannah Conway said...

i can definitely feel the change coming - i'm crossing all my fingers and toes that the changes will be good ones for us all :-)

and thank you for the kind words about my wee poem - hugs to you sweet pea x

Colorsonmymind said...

There is definitely a change going on....

I love your banner and your poem choice.

herhimnbryn said...

Such a wonderfully erotic poem. I think ED knew just what she was writing !