Monday, July 31, 2006

Sunday Scribblings...on monday!

This week's post is "My 2 Cents"...
I went to see a brilliant film today, An inconvenient Truth, the environmental film by Al Gore. It was absolutely fascinating. And poignant. And intelligent. And easy to understand. And made me think. And so powerful. And everyone should go see it, or read the book, or at least check out the website. He is a very interesting man, trying to really make a difference in our world, for our planet. I didn't even know he was such an environmentalism - how did he run for President and I didn't know that? Bizarre. He explains what global warming is and shows how in the past 30-40 years things have really heated up all over our globe. How it's only going to continue to get worse. The Earth is getting a kick in the ass and she is finally faltering and we can actually do something about it to stop it and start taking care of Her again. The credits for the film carried several suggestions for ways to star making a change, things that we as individuals can actually do that will help our planet - why wouldn't anyone want to do this? Being energy efficient, driving hybrid cars or at least ones with better emission controls, walking and riding our bikes, recycling, and several other things. We as individuals can make a difference, it is possible. Or at least I believe it is. And it is absolutely necessary!! These scientists aren't making this stuff up, there isn't any reason to really. It's our media and our politicians who are warping the facts in order to control our thoughts and our understanding of the world around us. They do this in so many ways, but the environment isn't something we can ignore anymore. We need to show them that it is a worthwhile issue to bring to the table of the political climate. That it is worth their time. Even our own Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who I didn't vote for and who scares me, has a lot of work to do in this area. It's not just Bush ruining the world on this one. (But we can still blame him, he probably deserves it anyways!)I don't want parts of Europe to disappear underneath the ocean before my grandchildren can see them. I don't want to lose parts of San Francisco under the bay. Or have to face the incredible crisis of millions of people being displaced from their homes because the have ended up under water. Not when there is a chance to stop it. And the chance is right now. That's my two sense for today. I think I've found a new passion. Go see this movie and bring your friends.
On another totally different note, had my interview today and it went well. or as far I can tell it did - I don't know how you can tell if you nailed one or not. But they were really nice women, the place was fantastic, and the job sounds fab. They'll let me know by the end of the week if I'm going in for a second interview next week, so keep your fingers crossed. This is pretty serious stuff, never having been through such a process I'm a bit blown away. Thanks for all your support!!I know if this isn't the one, there is a job out there waiting for me - now that I'm actually ready to go for it.


meghan said...

my fingers, toes and happy thoughts are crossed for you for this week. I hope that you get the job if it's the right path for you - you deserve to enjoy your days!!! XOOX

P.S. sorry I've been a bad blogger lately - I'm still here though, honest!! xo

Madeleine said...

yes i agree with everyting you in the UK, tough we are so far behind so much of the world in environmental issues.
we have only had recycing bins for about 3 years. my mum who lived in the Channel Islands (bet. Eng and France) in th '60's had recycling then. why did it take 40 years before we caught on?
although these thing are important to me i still don't do enough to contribute, i know this.
the one thing i really hate, though, is excess packaging and the way everything is disposable. i refuse to buy it, but there are billions of us who still do.
i will have to go and watch this film now...if it's still on?

i'm crossing fingers and toes for you and this's quite uncomfortable so let's ope you hear soon! lol

lots of love as always

Mad x

Anonymous said...

I'm SO excited about the job...and your attitude is even better.

I KNOW good things are coming your way...

(and I really would like to see that warming is something that is on my mind more than ever, and not just because it's TOO DAMN HOT!)

Letha Sandison said...

I really want to see this movie, I will have to go, I am a little afraid.

Best of luck on the job...I hope you get it!!

jojo said...

yes this movie is amazing... so now you have to see "who killed the electric car" if will infuriate you but it is also very empowering. yes al gore is very passionate. it is embarrassing that we have dubya steering our course. just pathetic and yes. he is to blame. if you every have the chance to read "confessions of an economic hit man" do read it. it will blow your mind. bush IS part of a corporate greed that IS running the world... just scary. i am so glad you saw this movie and wrote about it. your passion is infectious. i try to be "correct" too much of the time. thanks for putting this out there sister! --

p.s. I want that job! LOL. good luck!
