Friday, August 04, 2006

Grateful Friday

Trinity St., Cambridge from lovemaus on Flickr
Can't believe it's friday again already, wow. We get a long week as well and I am so ready for it!!
This week I'm grateful for:
  • R having four nights (and days) off in a row!!
  • it being a long weekend - love 3 day weekends
  • finding out I have a second interview for that fabulous job next week!
  • being able to relax and just enjoy my time off (hopefully)
  • renting a car and getting out of town
  • the hiking were going to be doing
  • the sunshine we're having and a good forecast for the weekend
  • big fireworks finale tomorrow night
  • getting to see our friends
  • talking to my nieces and nephew last night - so cute, so grown up!
  • my new book
  • new music for my iPod (I love KT, lost her stuff when we got a new computer)
  • my little sis sounding so happy to be back in civilization again
  • my other little sis and brother getting to spend a week together (so jealous!)
  • a new month, full of new possibilities
  • my yoga classes
  • re-connecting with a friend from my early traveling days - yeah Rebecca!
  • R having a productive week at work finally
  • getting to talk on Messenger with my friend in Halifax everyday this week!
  • emails from my mom's family
  • all the support I'm getting about my hope to find a new job (thank you everyone!)
    What are you Grateful for?!?!


jojo said...

happy friday! sooooooooooo happy you have a second interview. good weather, second interview, and hiking... wow, it is ALL good!

be well, travel smoothly, and enjoy your wknd =)

Madeleine said...

Hey happy friday to you....great things again.
i am grateful for going on a little holiday with my kiddies and Susannah tomorrow...

have a lovely few days....speak when i get back.


liz elayne lamoreux said...

yipppeee to the second interview!

and love all these wonderful things on your list.

i am grateful for poetry today. and mint milano cookies.

Becca said...

Loved your list - sounds like you have a great weekend coming.

I'll join in your "new job support group"...may you find the perfect thing to feed mind and soul :)

Rachel said...

I'm grateful for your grateful fridays, really lovely. Four days and nights off together, sounds idyllic, and getting out of town is always good. i agree with the iPod thing, have had 6 hours getting more free music on mine, tweaking my playlists, my new love is Mary J Blige, the Breakthrough, such a heartbreaking album. Helps me work out my own issues to hear a woman who has been to hell and back, in a handcart.
I am thrilled about the second interview, wasn't here to ask about the first one, sorry, but it obviously went well. Good luck for it, keep me posted.

boho girl said...

you sound so happy...this makes me smile big.
