Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Belated Sunday Scribblings

bed from Pottery Barn
10 Minute timed writing, this week's prompt "Bed":
Bed is one of my favorite places to be. I love hiding under the covers and ignoring the world. Cuddling with my R, forgetting about reality and to do lists and what time it is. The worst feeling in my world these days is when the alarm goes off and it's time to peel myself out of bed. R gets up much earlier than me, so by the time the buzzer goes, I've sprawled all over and made a cocoon for myself deep in my sheets. Some days I'd much rather live in my dreams than go out into the world! Does anyone else feel that way?
I've slept in a lot of beds, and that's not a reflection of my sex life either! After growing up sleeping in the same bed for over ten years, I began a merry go round when I went away to university that has only just ended. I've slept in tiny twin beds, bunk beds of all shapes and sizes in backpacker hostels, air mattresses in tents and inside, and amazing hotel beds in foreign lands. I adore linens and love looking them up on the internet and drooling. R has always brought me breakfast in bed, at least one day almost every weekend since we've been together. And I do the other day. We love long mornings under the covers, no matter where we are. He's already designed our bed frame- he sent me the drawings as a present when we were forced to live apart. I've always been interested in interpreting dreams, what the images and feelings mean. I used to jump up in the middle of the night and write down everything I could remember about a dream, just to look at it more closely in the daylight.
For more Sunday Scribblings, go here.
Having another fuzzy day today. Must have something to do with Wednesdays. Went for a great long walk after work yesterday with a new friend. It was great to chat with another woman in real life, not just on here! She just gets it and hasn't heard all my stories and queries as much as R has, so it was great to get another woman's perspective on things. Unfortunately, we walked so far, my foot is killing me today! Of course, as soon as I decide to do more exercise, I end up with an injury- seems to happen everytime with me. Must be a method of the self-sabotage I mentioned before! Putting obstacles in front of myself to make it hard to follow through with my physical goals- something I'm very good at. Other types of goals, no problem, but when it comes to changing my body, something always challenges me. I've got very bad ankles, in the sense that I've rolled both over 10 times each, usually around when I've started to enjoy exercising! Of course, too much alcohol played a major factor many times as well! I don't wear high heels because I don't trust my ankles. I have ended up with a bad habit of watching the ground when I'm walking just to make sure I don't step in a hole or on uneven ground. Oh well, I'm not going to let it get me down. ( I say that as I sit here having a cookie!) How do you lovely ladies stay motivated to get fit? What goals or methods keep you going?


Kathleen said...

Get a real stickler for walking. My friend Dara @ X is a madwoman. We huff and puff our way up all the hills all over town. She won't let me slack off either. Too bad I'm in Dartmouth again and don't have her to yell at me!!

Get a "Dara" it's the only way to go!


p.s. try t-shirt sheets. warning though you'll really NEVER get out of bed once those oh so soft sheets hit your skin!

liz elayne lamoreux said...

i am with michelle on this one.

love all your thoughts above bed. and how you two bring each other breakfast in bed!! this is delightful. i am jealous.

meghan said...

beautiful picture! i'd never want to get out of that bed either!! as for fitness - if you get any good advice let me know. i have to decide every single day to do it... and it hasn't gotten any easier!! keep at it!!

Madeleine said...

The picture of the bed is lovely. I'm just desperate to get back into mine now.But, alas, am at work.
As for execise, you need to find something really fun which you like doing. I'm not exactly an exercise queen and have never ever been to a gym.The main reason is that they are dull places.I'm just about to take up a marshall art's lesson with my mum of all people. It will just be good fun and therefore won't feel like exercise(there's the logic).
In the mean time have a cookie and a glass of wine! :)

Rachel said...

I love the story of your mornings in bed. I wish mine were the same, Boyf, snoring his head off, my 2 honeys clambering for my time and the doglet tearing the place apart, very unromantic. On a good note, Em my eldest daughter always brings me a cup of chai tea with sugar in, and nothing for Boyf, so I get to start the day with some energy.
Exercise - have tried it all, really loads of sex is good as long as you get your resting heart rate up. Oh and opening a bottle of wine, I hear, is very good upper arm toning.

jojo said...

lovely bed reflections. i agree beds are like the best comfort in the world. and breakfast in bed sounds so cozy. how lucky are you???!!! once your bed is completed (by R) i am sure it will be royal hideout. i too drool over linens. of course expensive (and well made) are the ones that do it for me. why NOT spend your magical time in "your cocoon" in luxury. I like to splurge when i get extra dough.

as far as motivation. one thing i do is get dressed to "work out" regardless if i really feel like it or not. it sort of puts me halfway in the mood. when walking or running i have my handy mp3 player for xtra motivation. i too have weak ankles. go easy on yourself. take care of the ankle/foot, first and foremost. tomorrow is another day. cheers!

Jennifer S. said...

first of all I love that Pottery Barn bed - gorgeous. and how sweet that you guys make breakfast in bed for each other...

I love to put a challenge out in front of me to stay fit. I'm doing the Portland walking marathon in October and will probably do the Carlsbad walking marathon in January. Might try a running 1/2 marathon if I get really motivated. I'm so not a runner - yet. It's great to have a friend to walk with to help stay on track too.