Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Need a break!

I'm tired.

I'm tired of being inside my own head all the time.
I'm tired of feeling like I'm under my own microscope.
I'm tired of a mind that goes a 100km/hour with thoughts all the time.
I'm tired of the fear.
I'm tired of the constant search for the perfect job, how it consumes my thoughts all the time.
I'm tired of worrying that I'll be stuck in a job that means nothing to me.
I'm tired of boredom.
I'm tired of always questioning- myself, my actions, the world.
I'm tired of feeling fat.
I'm tired of not feeling good enough.
I'm tired of always saying I'll do that later.
I'm tired of thinking that once I fix a certain aspect of my life, I'll be completely content.
I'm tired of how that certain aspect is something different all the time.
I'm tired of not feeling satisfied.
I'm tired of feeling lazy, indecisive, and scared.
I'm tired of putting myself down, of not loving myself unconditionally.
I'm tired of thinking about myself all the time.
I'm tired of being unhappy in my work, but not doing anything to change it.
I'm tired of checking my email all the time.
I'm tired of deciding what to have for lunch, for dinner.
I'm tired of wearing the same clothes all the time.
I'm tired of this job not satisfying me.
I'm tired of not being able to just be happy exactly where I am(because it's pretty amazing!)
I'm tired of being so far away from my friends and family, of missing their lives.
I'm tired of feeling angry.
I'm tired of writing here about growth and enlightenment when I lose those feelings as soon as I log out of my blog.
I'm tired of being afraid to say what I want for myself.
I'm tired of being afraid of illness and losing someone.
I'm tired of letting this negative, critical mind take over.
I'm tired of holding on so tightly, in case the bottom might fall out.
I'm tired of not knowing how to let go, not trusting enough to let go.
I'm tired of the monotony of my work life.
I'm tired of trying to come up with a Solution.
I'm tired of biting my nails.
I'm tired of the uncertainty and not knowing.
I'm tired of not being able to simply accept.
I'm tired of wondering what the right choice is.

I would like to be able to turn my mind off for one day, just to have some peace and quiet and contentment. Anyone know where the switch is? Sorry to be such a downer, but this where my head is today and I needed to get it all out. I would like to learn how to let go and celebrate my life for what it is, instead of constantly questioning everything, always thinking. I just feel exhausted from struggling against 'it' all the time- I need to learn to go with the flow more often. See, I'm always trying to be something else, never just happy to be Me and where I am. Hence the world traveling and transient lifestyle I've lived up till now. Sitting here all day, with no one to talk to but my computer and the phone when someone calls, gives me too much time inside my own head. Does anyone else find too much time alone detrimental to their self-worth or is this just me?
Time to remember what I love about life, what sorts of things make me happy, keep me motivated and excited about living. What gets you going?? What are the moments where you feel most yourself- content and accepting and alive? Needing some input from my wonderful world of bloggers, please and thank you!


boho girl said...

oh, how i understand being too much inside of my head.

can you get outside a few times a day for a walk in the fresh air? that always helps me...

i will work on your bloggie design today. my apologies for neglecting that. i have been far inside my head lately too but am resurfacing.

warm hug to you girl. fresh air, fresh air, deep breaths and head toward the sun on your beautiful face. xoxoxoxo

liz elayne lamoreux said...

The monkey mind that grabs ahold of us and does not let go...it has too much fun...it is like it feeds off the confusion and the constant thoughts.
My wish for you is to take deep breaths filled with compassion for yourself. I am going to email you about this...a little meditation that is wonderful in moments that seem to overwhelm.
Thinking about you...