Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Feelin' the Vibes

Although we seldom acknowledge it, we are all courageous.
It takes courage to undertake a creative project.
It takes courage to sustain it and complete it.
It takes courage to make art in the midst of everyday life.
Making art a priority takes courage.
- Julia Cameron-
I am feeling my blog Sisterhood today. So many posts about the struggles and the desires to be a creative entity and a strong woman in a life full of so many expectations and uncertainties. I want to reach out and hug all of you and somehow make it easier, to take away your pain and anger and fear and bewilderment. Women as a whole have such an interesting journey, don't they? Wanting to be successful in all our roles- daughter, mother, wife, friend, sister, aunt, colleague, artist, and also as an individual. It's hard. So hard. Finding a support circle and a place to vent and think out loud is definitely a positive step, one way we are able to help one another. What else can we do? Any ideas?
Here's my gift to you all for today...
I send you all a quiet moment, just for you. One where you are surrounded by beauty and nature, and absolutely no expectations or places you need to be. Imagine being relaxed, drinking your favorite tea, eating some delicious sweets (whatever you fancy!), and having no guilt about anything. For me, I'd be on a beach, in a hammock, drinking chai lattes and eating homemade brownies and chocolate chip cookies, reading a book that makes me laugh (like Bill Bryson or Bridget Jones), with the sun starting to set, the sound of the waves, and children laughing down the sand. Knowing I am ok, just as I am, just in that moment, and remembering how beautiful life is in its entirety.
Hang in everyone, we will make it through this together. Sark says something about how we cannot hide from the darkness, we need to sit with it and see it from the inside. Its the only way to appreciate and recognize the light in our life. (Or something like that, I don't want to misuse her words!! She's my favorite!!)


Letha Sandison said...

Thank you for this entry!! It is such a blessing to know there are other women that struggle with managing it all. At the risk of sounding like a whiner, it is hard!!!

I wish we could all go grab chai lattes!!

boho girl said...

ahhhh...this is beautiful.

you paint such gorgeous images for relaxing and letting go. thank you for doing this for me the past week. it has helped so, so much. xoxoxo

Sky said...

ahhh, thanks for the gift! i need it. :)

meghan said...

lovely post. thank you. I've felt a bit disconnected from it all this week - a bit out of the 'hood. Thanks for reminding me that it's still there!