Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Creative bliss

"Creativity is the mind at play with the materials that it loves." -Carl Jung

My theme for 2006 is Creativity. Ever since I started reading all these wonderful blogs from such amazing female artists at the end of last year, I've been thinking about creativity and how it fits into my own life. I got scared away from art when I was in school and couldn't make the picture look like what I had in my mind. I didn't want to be criticized for my work, so I just decided I can't draw and stopped it at that. I know we all go through a developmental phase where we become more literal and conscious of opinions, so that was mine. I turned to writing instead. I always loved getting mail and writing letters- write to someone and they will write back, was what I was taught! When I was a teenager, struggling with my own identity and feelings, my mom suggested writing a journal to get it all out there, let go of some of the anxiety and confusion I felt. I've now been writing a journal, almost daily, for 15 years. (Wow, that's a lot of words!) From my years of traveling, I've come home with stacks of journals full of my experiences and emotions through it all. I have photos too, but these are much more priceless and essential to me. I can't wait to look back at them when I have children and grandchildren. If there was ever a fire in my house, I would take that box out first!

I decided this year I wanted to have more creativity in my life. Not just artistically, but in how I live my day to day life- creating more joy, more love, more energy...all sorts of things. I'm not an "artist" in the same was as my favorite blog sisters Bohemian Girl, Superhero Designs, Megg, Ali, Mardougrrl, Laini, and Liz are, but I love to create. I am a creative person. I love to be around creative people, to make things, to write and share ideas. Words are my biggest outlet, but becoming a "writer" seems too hard or too lonely or too something right now. I'm in awe of people who do decide to make writing their work. I love reading and devour books regularly. I'm interested in using words in new ways, not just in journals and blogging. I am going to learn how to scrapbook, maybe put some words on canvas with lots of colour, etc. I've already initiated a letter writing revolution- trying to get out a real letter a week to a friend or family member somewhere in the world, hoping they'll join in by writing back. Mostly because I love getting mail and reading the words written by people I love. Bright coloured envelopes and paper, cards, anything!

Blogging has opened the creative floodgates for me - first through simply reading about artists and their lives and projects, and now through sharing -I find my mind full of thoughts and ideas of what to put in my next entry. It even keeps me awake at night sometimes! Its been a blessing for helping me survive this Boring Job I'm in, a way to stay alert and not get sucked into this monotony. I'm sure there is a way to make creativity a part of my working life as well, but I'm not sure how yet. Still working on that one. My dream creative job would be to either work at something like 826 Valencia, or to be a stationery/journal/card designer. I have a wonderful friend, Megan, who I've grown up with and we both share an enormous love of stationery- maybe she could be my design partner!

I can't wait to go to Michael's and start my collection of scrapbooking supplies, or buy a new journal, or writing paper. Or a new book! Everyday I get to read about some incredible creative artists on the internet and share in their works in progress. And now I'm marrying a creative man (cabinetmaker), who's brilliant with his hands and has a mind full of design ideas for the furniture in our future house(s)! What more could I ask for?!!


boho girl said...

i am so honored to be able to watch and listen to your creative process thru this blog.

i got all giddy inside imagining your words on a colorful piece of canvas. if you do that...could you post a picture?!?!?

we're all in this're not alone.

cheers to you, sister. very happy for you and all that is unfolding so delicately.

meghan said...

Well, if it helps, I was FLOORED that you included me on your list of 'artists.' I think it takes a long time to come to terms with calling ourselves that. I'm just as terrified and blocked and self-conscious as anyone. If you look at previous posts from most of the people on here, we've all written about being blocked or not feeling 'good' enough. I think I'm learning on here that you just have to get on with it and see what happens! Good luck!!! Have FUN at Michael's - sigh! I miss Michaels!!!!!!!!!!!!

liz elayne lamoreux said...

you are on am amazing journey. this is what the blogging world has done for me as well. a year ago i was mourning the loss of a dear friend and had no idea i was going to lose another. through that grief i have found my creative self. i don't consider myself an "artist" either - in that sense of "i am showing my artwork next thursday" :) - but i have realized that we all have an artist inside of us. we just have to let her out!
bravo to embarking on this journey girl!

Anonymous said...

And this is the beginning of your journey...I can't wait to see what you come up with...I am selfish, I know your inspiration will inspire me as well! ;)

I SO know what you mean about blogging helping you survive your boring job--been there, still (kinda) doing that. Being a SAHM isn't always a thrill. There are only so many times you can sing "itsy bitsy spider" although she's a good role model for creatives!

And I don't consider myself an artist at all--exactly what Megg said. But I'm *trying* to be, as are we all.