Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Universe Comes Through!!!

Arts Umbrella logo

I had some great news today...remember that job I had the two interviews for at Arts Umbrella? The one they gave to someone else? Well, I got a call from the head of the programming Department today and the girl they hired has decided to take another they offered it to me!!!!!!!!! Of course I said yes!!! I can't believe this is happening! I knew there was a reason that nothing else had come up. I get to go in to work tomorrow and hand in my notice and then go on holiday! Holy crap! I am so excited, in case you can't tell. I needed something to sort itself out and the Universe has delivered. I am a bit nervous about handing in my notice- I have no idea how they are going to react, but my new boss (!!) said she is flexible if I need to give them some extra time. I don't expect it to be a nice moment and I'll be ok. I'm not going to have to sit at that desk anymore and be bored to tears!! How good does that feel??! I can't sit still I'm so excited. Life is going to get better, I can feel it. (Knock on wood of course)

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments about my paintings as well - that made me feel so grateful for this community once again. I wish you were all here to celebrate! R went out and go us some Oyster Bay Sav Blanc, so I'm a happy girl! (we actually worked for that vineyard and the wine is one of our favorites)


Laini Taylor said...

M, that is so awesome! Congrats!!! Isn't it wonderful the way things work out sometimes? ENJOY the quit -- don't feel bad. And your paintings are gorgeous! It's great to read about your enthusiasm for finding a new creative expression.

Jennifer S. said...

Oh how exciting! I am thrilled for you.

jojo said...

yay yay & YAY! Hooray! Oh I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you. and jealous a bit. it sounds like such a great venture. do not have any grief over quitting. girl just keep celebrating your new path! it is a great week/weeks end for celebrating! cheers!

(I am so happy for you - i raise a toast to you from cali to vancouver!)

meghan said...


Yay, YOU!!!! Oh and DO enjoy the feeling of handing in notice - when it's a good thing, there's nothing like it :)

p.s. i loved the paintings!!

Madeleine said...

yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i am so so happy for you, M.
and you of all people deserve it. i knew it was only around the corner for you, just waiting in the wings. it's all in the divine timing, everything happens when it's ready. you just see, everything else will start to follow suit now and alowly fall into place.
i really am so happy for you (again) as i remember the feeling recently when i had to leave my awful job, and another did finally come up for me.

here's to new and bright beginnings.