Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Long Weekend Fun in the Sun

Bowen Island harbour

The mainland from Bowen Island

It's hard to believe that it's September already. I knew it was coming, but wow - it got here fast. We had another great long weekend. Spending time shopping and eating out in new places we've never tried. Jumping on the ferry across to Bowen Island (15 minutes away) to go for a walk and have a brilliant pub lunch with our friends. A bbq on the beach in the beautiful sunshine, catching up with a friend we haven't seen all summer. It was wonderful, but went by too quickly, as always. I made sure I didn't think about how much I was dreading going into work. Everyone keeps saying how its the end of the summer after Labour Day weekend, but I beg to differ. Summer isn't officially over till the end of this month, despite the days getting shorter and the feeling of autumn creeping into everything. Summer is a state of mind, I'm starting to believe. Especially when it's so beautiful outside! And we have been so lucky to have such wonderful weather for the past three months. I'd love for it to hold on until R's parents get here in 10 days!!!

R, Silvina, and Mauriano on the ferry to Bowen Island

I hope everyone else had a great long weekend as well. What did you get up to? I wasn't able to get the comments to work on Blogger this weekend, but have definitely been reading all your wonderful words. I d o feel disconnected ever since I was banned from the internet at work, I've got to get used to only being on here at home.


Rachel said...

I know how you feel about clinging on to summer. I dont want it to end. Saying that, have been doing the advertising for the bar for christmas this week, and that sucks,
'Have you thought about christmas, we have' bla bla. that is so unreal as i havent even got my socks out from the bag under the bed yet.
It looks like a fantastic place, great views and I'm glad you had a good time honey

Jennifer S. said...

well, I just got caught up on your blog. You are such a busy girl! The island sounds wonderful, my kind of place.

Sorry about the job, sounds like you have a great attitude about it though. The known person will always get hired (unless they are awful for some reason) Sounds like you gave her a run for her money though!

Laini Taylor said...

Wow -- gorgeous!! I really really want to plan a trip up to BC. It's only a 6-hour drive, I think. Alas, it probably won't happen this fall. Maybe in spring we'll try to plan a few weeks. I really want to explore!

(ooh, and I see in your meme a few posts back that you're a Dorothy Dunnet fan. Yay! I meet so few of us. I salute you! I love Niccolo! I LOVE him. tee hee.)

Susannah Conway said...

hey beautiful, i'm soooo sorry i've been such a crap blog friend recently. but i am trying to remedy this and will catch up on your posts! love to you (and yes, when i get some hiking boots, you wanna come with me? :-) xx

Madeleine said...

hey looks like a wonderful weekend. just how they should be spent.
i had a wonderful weekend away in Windsor which has set me up for the week.

summer is coming to an end and i will mourn when it leaves officially.
not being able to blog at work sucks BIG TIME. what else are you supposed to do with your time?

lots of love, honey


White Square said...

great pics!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love love BC...I think I've said that once or twice, right? ;)

I'm so behind on my blogging too...both reading and writing. I miss you!

Your attitude about not getting the job is inspiring, girly...I think the Universe has even better things in store for you!