Wednesday, October 11, 2006

In Awe...

Today I'm feeling in awe of the world around me and my life - and also feeling overwhelmed by it all. I'm in awe of the beautiful weather we've been having for months. I'm in awe of the incredible colours on the trees and how vibrant they get everyday. I'm in awe of the feeling of having a job I enjoy, how different it is. I'm in awe of the life and creativity on Granville island, where I get to go to work everyday. I'm in awe of how events get put together (big fundraising art auction this weekend for our organization). I'm in awe of hormones and what its like to work with all women. I'm in awe of how much I am in love with R and how even after almost 4 years together I still get all mooshy just thinking about him. I'm in awe of how much fear I carry around in a day, in a moment, all the time. I'm in awe of how big the world really is. I'm in awe of how many different people there are in the world, how many different ideas. I'm in awe of how easy it is to fall into patterns that aren't good for us, and how hard it seems to create patterns of things that are good for us. I'm in awe of how much I miss my family. I'm in awe of the silence of a bird flying across the water. I'm in awe of the amazing amount of colours the sky creates for its sunsets - and we've had some real doozies lately. I'm in awe of how fast my mind goes straight to worse case scenario. I'm in awe of artists and their abilities to create works that make me gasp with wonder. I'm in awe of the changing seasons and how drastic, how fast it can feel sometimes. I'm in awe of my own joy. I'm in awe of change and how good it is, yet how disruptive it is even when we are enjoying it. I'm in awe of how tired I am at the end of the day, now that I am actually working. I'm in awe of how long my hair is. I'm in awe of how into my favorite tv shows I get. I'm in awe of how many choices and decisions I have everyday. I'm in awe of how lucky I am. I'm in awe of my beautiful life. I'm in awe of wonder.

I'm feeling like I've got tons of things I want to blog about now that I've had a hiatus, just hope I can find the time. I know, it surprises me too - I have a life!


Colorsonmymind said...

Oh I was nodding a lot here-I am in awe of many of these things too.

meghan said...

What a beautiful list. I am so jealous that you are able to see the colours of Canadian autumn. I'm in awe from afar.

I'm so glad that you have so much to be in awe of - and thank you for reminding me to look at things that way. love to you!!
