Friday, November 17, 2006

Soggy days

The word of the month so far in November in Vancouver has been rain. Or maybe wet. It's been phenomenal. We've had almost 250 millimeters of rain in two weeks - that's more than we've had in the past 6 months combined!! It's been a bit of a deluge. We're used to just rain, straight down, not too heavy - just consistent. This is incredible! Puddles galore, checking out everyone's rubber boot fashions, building up strong arms from holding my umbrella up all the time, and now we're dealing with a boil water advisory. The water has turned all cloudy and brown, so they don't want anyone getting sick if there's more than just dirt in there. We can't drink it, brush our teeth with it, or wash our fruit and veggies with it. They hope to have it sorted out by the end of the weekend - but we're expecting another storm here on Sunday. They are calling for 110mm more, in one day!! The sediment in the water is coming from landslides near the resevoirs - not good for the people living on the lower part of the mountains on the north shore to hear the land is giving way. I figure if we can survive this, the rest of our Vancouver winter will be easy peasy! We're going to get into cross country skiing as well, to find a way to escape all this wetness. The ski hill's are even open already, so maybe we'll go this weekend!

Our weekend will be filled with indoor projects - making our Christmas cards, me doing some paintings, nice roast dinner on Sunday, going bowling with our friends tomorrow night, writing letters, reading, long movies (Lord of the Rings), and staying warm and fuzzy as much as possible. The sun won't be back for at least a week, so we might as well accept this for what it is and enjoy it. I'd much rather have this than -10 degrees Celsius and snow already!

"Singing in the Rain" is actually on tv tonight - how ironic is that?!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend melissa, hope you enjoy being together at home

Kathleen said...

Watch the extended version of Lord of The Rings! YOu'll love it oh so much more!


Colorsonmymind said...

Such yumminess you have been enveloped in. Makes me want to follow suit.


Anonymous said...

I loooove rain. I have pink rainboots with green polka-dots and I love to wear them (pants rolled high to show off the boots) with my bright green rain slicker! Carlisle PA (where I go to school) is one of the rainyest places around, but it sounds like nothin' to what you're getting! Hope you stay nice and warm and snuggly (isn't that the best?!?). Lots of love!!