Sunday, October 01, 2006


Grouse Mountain and West Vancouver from Jericho Beach

I feel like I've been living on another planet for the past two weeks - amazing what a holiday will do to you! Feeling a bit disconnected from all my own normality, our routines, the regularity of our life here. It's a good thing, but also quite surreal. I needed a vacation from my regular life, we both did, a chance to relax, recharge, and get a new perspective on it all. It was so strange yesterday when we spent the day at the mall, since it was grey and wet outside, and then went to see Jet Li's new movie, "Fearless". Sitting in there, in the dark, watching a movie in Chinese, after being inside all day, I came out expecting to be in a totally different country or something. It was very very bizarre. Time to get back to reality I think - I am ready for it again.
Today is our one year anniversary at our flat - one whole year here, in the same place. The last time I had the same address for 12 months in a row was before I went away to university - 12 years ago. Whoa. I know, I'm weird. No wonder I was ready to settle down. We both feel much more at home after just being away for a week, like this is where we live now. After being travelers for so long, this is a new sensation for both of us. I am loving it. It's a whole new adventure in itself. What sort of adventure are you having this week??


Madeleine said...

good to see you're back and have had a chance to let go of normal routine for a while. a much needed break i think with the start of a new job and all.
the photos are beautiful, Melissa.

can't wait to come and visit your neck of the woods.

p.s. i meant to ask you earlier how the job was?

dying to know

lots of love


Darlene said...

No adventures for me...just some blog hopping to try to meet some new creatives :)

Happy Home Anniversary :)

Gypsy girl :)


Maggie May said...

wow, i can't believe you haven't been in one place that long in 12 years! that's amazing. i find that i crave that one place that feels like home to me--i'm growing out of my childhood home feeling like a home. how delightful to find a place that is your own; that feels good to return to. much love!

Susannah Conway said...

happy anniversary sweetie! a year of being settled and planting your roots - i think that';s a wonderful reason to celebrate... sending lots of homely hugs to you and R :-) x

liz elayne lamoreux said...

so good to feel a sense of connection to where you live. i love this.
hope you continue to have adventures while also feeling grounded.