Today I am grateful for so many things:
- the beautiful sunshine
- my amazing nieces!
- my whole family!
- my friends in Vancouver- thanks for a great birthday party!!
- Kathleen- love how she makes me laugh and believes in me (thanks K!) check out her blog
- turning 30- it already feels great
- going away after work for the weekend tonight with R (cannot wait!!)- two days out of the city, by the sea, with my man, how wonderful is that!?!
- my tulips from Silvina, my friend at work, sitting on my desk
- reading blogs that inspire me and make me laugh
- my friend Kara sending me a beautiful sun catcher
- my new shoes- so fun!
- that my blisters are finally getting better and I am walking like a normal person again (you never realize how important your feet are until they hurt!)
- my R and how thoughtful he is
- my package of paper from Kim to help me start art journaling
- reading this amazing book- I love her writing, read it if you haven't!
- buying myself this book and having two strangers tell me how funny it is as I walked down the street carrying it- can't wait to start it!
- all the exclamation points in this list!
- the water delivery guys ending their strike, no more copper-tasting tap water
- that the sun is coming up so early, making it easier for R to get up to go to work
- all the wonderful blossoms around the city- on the trees and in piles on the ground, little mounds of pink beauty!
- that we're having wine and birthday cake at work today - three other people had a birthday this week too!
- that it's pay day
- going down to the beach after work- finally able to take advantage of where we live!
- having a great visit with my sister's husband on the weekend and being able to show off our city in the sunshine- he's totally hooked!
- getting some great ideas from my sisterhood for what to do while I'm at work, help me get through the days better
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for all your help!