Thursday, February 23, 2006

Going with the flow

Found this on this site, by Carla- felt like just the words I needed to hear today. (Check out what other good advice people have recieved- such beautiful creations!) I would like to let go of the outcome (his work visa, money, my job monotiny, etc) and just enjoy the ride that is my life, and trust I'll be able to cope no matter what. Why does that have to be so hard?!
Spent ages on here today, makes me want to be a photographer. Its such a gift that people now have a place to share these images with all of us. We get to see life and the world through the eyes of others for a change. What a world it is!
My friend has just arrived from Nova Scotia today, I cannot wait to share this amazing city with her! The sun has come out and the mountains are showing off, so I don't have to do much. I'm so happy we decided to move here, even if it rains too much sometimes. Keeps the wrinkles away, or so the locals say anyways. Its so nice to be able to have people come to stay with us, in our own flat- after living in backpacker hostels around the world and our parents' spare bedrooms.

Reading this, listening to this, and absolutely loving the Olympics! How proud am I of the women athletes from my country?? We've won 19 medals and 14 of those are by go girls!!!

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